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Happy Easter

March 22, 2024

Hi all, 

Happy EaSteve to you all. Enjoy the break.


Here are the boys dressed in yellow for Daffodil Day

Jersey Day

November 17, 2023

June 7, 2023

We had a wonderful visit to the Irish Naval Base at Haulbowline Island today. We boarded the ‘William Butler Yeats’ and got a tour of the ‘James Joyce’. 


DNA Science Experiment

March 8, 2023

Thanks to the Cell Explorers who visited our classroom today. We had great fun extracting DNA from a banana!!!




June 23, 2022

School Tour Ballyhass Lakes

June 15, 2022

Our 6th Class boys had a great day out yesterday at Ballyhass Lakes, Coachford.

Confirmation photo

May 6, 2022

Congrats to all the boys today on making their Confirmation. I hope you all had a great day.

Athletics at MTU

April 26, 2022

The boys had an enjoyable morning in MTU today. 


March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022

We had a great day in MTU doing gymnastics today. 

Class Detective Projects

September 20, 2021

We completed our projects on famous Detectives last week.

The boys presented their projects to the class also.

Graduation Video 6th Class

June 28, 2021

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the Graduation call last Friday night. Here is the video of pictures of the boys from their early days in school right upto 6th Class.

Enjoy the holidays.



graduation 4.mp4 (12.0 MB)

6th Class Winners of PA Summer Raffle

June 23, 2021

Parents Association Summer Raffle - winners from Mr. Kenny's class.

Congrats to Tim Roedig and Alex O' Shea

Tim was drawn out to win the Hamper and Alex was drawn out to win the voucher.



Meeting Santa's elves

December 18, 2020

"School"-made Lemonade!

April 4, 2017

To finish our term on procedural writing, together we followed a recipe on how to make lemonade! It turned out so well, we've decided to share our recipe with you!

6th Class’ “School”-made Lemonade

Ingredients:                                          Equipment:

10z sugar                                               Bowl x 2

3 pints boiling water                           Strainer

4 lemons                                               Wooden spoon


                                                                Chopping board

                                                                Fruit juicer

                                                                Grater or zester

                                                                Bottle to hold it in


  1. Begin by zesting the four lemons with a grater.
  2. Cut each of the lemons in half and proceed to extract the juice from the lemons, with a hand-held or electric juicer.
  3. Put the sugar into a large bowl and add the zest and juice.
  4. Pour in the boiling water and stir gently until the sugar has dissolved.
  5. Leave overnight.
  6. Strain the liquid, into another bowl, to remove all pips and bits.
  7. Pour into your serving bottle.
  8. Then dilute with water and enjoy!

Mother's Day

March 24, 2017

Happy Mother's Day from all the boys in sixth class. Have a wonderful weekend!!

Engineers Week

March 14, 2017

To celebrate engineers week, our class was invited to C.I.T. last Friday the 10th of March for a presentation on the Bloodhound project, a supersonic car. It was a fascinating morning in C.I.T. and we even managed to bag some goodies!!

Procedural Writing

March 14, 2017

This term, we are focusing on procedural writing as our writing genre in English. Miss O'Sullivan decided to put our skills to the test this week! First we borrowed Junior infants Lego and made different houses and cars, we then had write down the exact steps of how to recreate what we had made, Later this week we are swapping copies with each other to see can we replicate each others designs with our detailed instructions!!! 


February 17, 2017

We have been celebrating and learning about the Chinese New Year and China for the last month. 


January 17, 2017