Dear parents and children,
Our school has been chosen to participate in the ‘Creative Schools project’, which is run by the Department of Education and the Arts Council. Over the next two years, we will be learning all about creativity - and how creativity does not just mean being artistic, but actually encompasses lots of different skills - like problem solving, exploring, designing, experimenting. It is involved in many different subjects- like maths and science, and is used by us every day in multiple aspects of our lives. Our creativity helps us to grow and learn, to make and keep friends, to solve problems, and enables us to entertain ourselves and to have FUN!
The children worked with our schools’ Creative Associate Niamh on Thursday 11th March and came up with many of these ideas about creativity themselves- children are, after all, widely recognised as the most naturally creative people of all! They have inspired us to create a very open-ended Spring Competition, outlined in the attached document. Please email photographs of their work to support6@cscns.ie by Wednesday 1st April with your name, age, class, and a brief explanation (no more than 200 words) if you wish. The winners will be announced Friday 3rd April, on the last day of term, and prizes (arts & crafts vouchers) will be sent out by email.
Best of luck to all!