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Please enter your child's details in the form below and then click "Send details to the school. O'Growney NS does not currently have any Special Class(es). If your child requires enrolment in a Special Class please read the next paragraph carefully as it explains the next step for a parent of child with a recommendation to enrol in a Special Class. In order to ensure that the NCSE has access to information on all children and young people who may require a special class or special school place, parents/guardians should notify the NCSE prior to making an application for admission to a special class and/or special school. The NCSE will discuss with families the range of options that are available to meet the needs of their child or young person as identified in available reports. This notification together with the submission of the child or young person’s relevant reports should occur as early as possible. Notification should be made before 1 February in the preceding school year to facilitate NCSE planning and to ensure that the NCSE and the Department is provided with sufficient time to plan and provide for additional special class and special school capacity. It is recognised that many school admission processes start during Term 1 of the school year, and the NCSE will be working to ensure that parents/guardians notify them as early as possible. However, it must be considered that some children and young people may not receive a diagnosis and/or a recommendation for a special class or special school until a later time and the NCSE must continue to work to support these children and young people to secure an appropriate enrolment, in collaboration with their local schools. ".
Please see our admissions policy on our website.
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