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Participating schools:
Presentation Primary School (co-ed), Ballymakenny Road
St. Brigid's and St Patrick's N.S. (co-ed), Bóthar Brugha
St. Joseph's C.B.S. (co-ed), Sunday's Gate
St. Oliver's N.S. (co-ed), Ballymakenny Road
1 - By completing this application form you are indicating that St. Joseph's C.B.S. is your school of first choice. Please indicate your second, third and fourth choices on the form below. It is ESSENTIAL for parents to indicate on this form 4 schools to which they are applying in descending order of choice. If your child is unsuccessful in obtaining the first choice, this will not prejudice his/her chances of obtaining a place in one of the lower choices. Schools will share the information for your preferences with the other schools if relevant.
2 - Submit the completed application no later than 12 noon on Wednesday February 5th 2025. Fill in required fields below and click "Send details to the school".
3 - Include Birth Certificate and proof of address, dated within three months of the application. These can be attached as photos/PDFs at the end of the form.
On completion of applications being processed in accordance with the enrolment criteria of the Common Applications and Enrolment Process Policy (CAEPP) a letter will be received by each applicant no later than Wednesday 19th February 2025.
(1) Offering first, second, third or fourth choice preference,
(2) Refusing enrolment in any school in the Common Application and Enrolment System.
Applicants can appeal a failure to obtain enrolment in the school of first/second/third/fourth choice by writing to the Board of Management of the school of first choice
Taking a SECTION 29 APPEAL. Application forms are available on the Department of Education Website.
You will receive a reference number on successful submission of your application. If you have input all of the required information above and you do not receive a reference number after submitting this form something may have gone wrong with your application and you should retry using a different browser.