Caithfidh Javascript a bheith cumasaithe leis an leathanach seo a úsáid.
Application to Enrol in Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan Primary School 2025/26
. I have read the school's Enrolment/Admissions Policy and I understand that allocation of places in the school will be strictly based on Criteria outlined in this policy.
. I understand that receipt of a fully completed application form does not guarantee that the child named will be offered a place in the school.
. I am a parent or legal guardian of the child I am enrolling.
If you have any further questions, please email the school at or phone on (067) 33509.
Please enter your child's details in the form below and then click 'Seol na mionsonraí chuig an scoil'.
Ainm: Cur Síos: Guthán póca: Guthán Baile: Guthán Oibre:
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